Green Bay Packers current Running Back Eddie Lacy
Todd Stelzel
Todd Stelzel, avid Packer fan for more than four decades is founder and author of the website PackerToddsNEnds. Currently he is a high school shop teacher, who has enjoyed 30+ years of successful teaching experience, which includes being the football public address announcer for his school. He built a cabin on a lake in northern Wisconsin and also ran for Wisconsin State Superintendent of Education in 2005. Todd earned a B.S. in Industrial Education from U.W. Stout and an M.A. in Education from Edgewood College in Madison. He has been married for 25 + years and has two children. Since growing up in the 60's, he dreamed of being a sports broadcaster/writer, but went a different route in the 70’s. With retirement on the horizon, he has decided to pursue that dream.