Pulse of the Pack: Barely Beating…
Marques tells a memorable story about Detroit in anticipation of the Packers-Lions showdown on Thanksgiving.
Listen using the player below or download the podcast from the Packers Talk Radio Network on Itunes.
“The Pulse of the Pack” airs every Wednesday night on WGBX at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. It’s hosted by Marques Eversoll and Jacob Westendorf, keeping an up-to-the-second pulse on everything related to NFL and the Green Bay Packers. This podcast is a recording of that show. You can follow Marques (@MJEversoll) and (@JacobWestendorf) on twitter and check out their writing at AllGreenBayPackers.com and PackersTalk.com, respectively.
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Jersey Al Bracco is the co-founder and editor of PackersTalk.com. He can be heard as one of the Co-Hosts on Cheesehead Radio and you can follow him on twitter at @JerseyAlGBP.