This week Chris and Adam breakdown the chasm that started last weekend when Bob McGinn’s scathing review of the Packers season was posted. Is Ted Thompson failing? How will the team attack the offseason? Where do the guys side on if the Packers are ‘elite’ anymore??
Listen using the player below or download the podcast from the Packers Talk Radio Network on Itunes.
Chris Lempesis and Adam Somers bring their offbeat brand of podcasting to Packers Talk Radio Network, with the latest rumors, news, and prognostications about your Green Bay Packers.
Follow them on Twitter at @olbagofdonuts and @ASomers_time and stay tuned to Packers Talk Radio Network every week for more of Chris and Adam! And head on over to the PackersTalk iTunes account, subscribe, and enjoy great Packers podcasts nearly every day of the week!
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Jersey Al Bracco is the co-founder and editor of He can be heard as one of the Co-Hosts on Cheesehead Radio and you can follow him on twitter at @JerseyAlGBP.