Their stats speak for themselves.

Seven NFL titles. Five MVP awards. Three Super Bowl MVP awards. Countless individual NFL and team records.

Bart Starr. Brett Favre. Aaron Rodgers. All Green Bay Packers quarterbacks. Arguably the greatest trio to ever play the position.

According to Aaron Rodgers, the time has come for this Mt. Rushmore of quarterbacks to sit down and talk about their experiences.

Speaking with Rob Demovsky of ESPN, Rodgers recently remarked that it is time for the three of them to all get together and share their knowledge with each other. Oh, to be a fly on the wall and hear the stories that these three would discuss between themselves.

Perhaps more importantly, this meeting of the minds could also serve as a bridge for Favre to return to the Packers organization without potential backlash from those still bitter about his playing for the rival Vikings after leaving Green Bay.

Rodgers addressed this possibility as well:


“I’ve always thought it would be fun to do something, the three of us, some sort of sit down where we could all talk about our experiences. I’m sure that’s three interesting perspectives on this place and the appreciation for it. But Bart’s been a great mentor and a great guy. It was a blast to win his award, and I think Brett’s ready to be welcomed back the way he deserves to be welcomed back, and that will be exciting.”


Now is the time to make this meeting happen. Somehow, someway, this must happen.

Starr having a positive relationship with both Favre and Rodgers is the common bond in this scenario. Both of them see Starr less as a fellow QB and more as a mentor. The epitome of class and respect, and a great example of how to represent the Packers organization. If this is the commonality between the three of them, then there should be little stopping this meeting from taking place.

Also, having Starr’s blessing on Favre’s eventual return to the Packers organization could be enough to silence the critics who do not want him back. Those who think this may want to boo Favre, but they would never, ever boo Starr.

Rodgers may be the one who wants this the most. Understanding his place in Packers history as well as his growing legacy, he knows that in order for the Packers to be complete, all three living legends need to have a positive image in the organization and the league. That means all three of them need to stand together, united, proudly representing the Packers. As a leader, he has taken on the  responsibility of trying to make this happen.

Aaron Rodgers has spoken with reverence and respect in the past about Starr. When talking about Favre, Rodgers has said it is important that he have a similar relationship to the one he has with Starr:


“I think so. I think that’d be important.”


Now that the idea is out there, it is up to Starr, Favre, and Rodgers to make this meeting a reality. For the good of the team, for the good of their relationships, and for the good of the fans, please make this happen soon.

Perhaps then, Packer Nation can once again be fully united. Perhaps.



John Rehor is a writer at

He can also be heard as one of the Co-Hosts of Cheesehead Radio.

You can follow John on twitter at jrehor or email him at
