Jason Perone (@JasonPerone) and Jacob Westendorf (@JacobWestendorf) host “The Pulse of the Pack” on the Packers Talk Network. Your hosts measure the pulse of your Packers team and take a weekly look around the league. On each show, they review the Packers’ previous game and take a look ahead at the next week’s opponent. Tune in for some spirited commentary, detailed analysis and always a few bold predictions.
Your Hosts:
JASON PERONE: Jason Perone is a freelance writer covering the Packers since 2012. Jason transitioned from ALLGBP.com to CheeseheadTV last year and co-hosts Pulse of the Pack podcast. After growing up in the suburbs of Chicago and Milwaukee, Jason spent the better part of 23 years in the Phoenix area, his love for the Packers never waning, before returning to the Midwest in early 2016 to the Twin Cities. Why would anyone move from Phoenix to Minnesota, you ask? It’s closer to Green Bay! You can follow Jason on Twitter @JasonPerone.
Jacob Westendorf: Jacob is a lifelong Packers fan from Bears country. Recently he made his move up to Green Bay, Wisconsin studying journalism at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. Jacob the co-host to Marques Eversoll on Packerstalk.net’s “Pulse of the Pack” which airs weekly during the fall and spring on Wednesday nights live from WGBX radio in Green Bay. Jacob has written several freelance pieces including one for Scout.com’s Packer Report. He has also spent some time working with NFL Films, which gives him a unique perspective on player interaction and motivation. Jacob writes for Packerstalk.net and you can follow Jacob on Twitter at @JacobWestendorf for more Packers and NFL based insight.