If you’d like to submit a question or comment, please email packersmailbag@gmail.com or Tweet me @andrewmertig


First up!


Please give me a positive after that debacle.

– Chris in Kentucky


Well, there’s not a team in the NFL that wouldn’t struggle with both starting Tackles out. To lose your number one WR and your best defensive player in the first quarter puts you in danger of getting blown out.

The positives I will take out of the game is that a healthy Packers team should be able to play with Atlanta. Kevin King looked really good last night. The pass rush made some plays (even without Daniels). And early indications are that none of the injuries were major.

I have a feeling the Packers and Falcons will see each other in the playoffs, and both teams will look considerably different than they did on Sunday night.


Why doesn’t anyone hold Ted Thompson accountable for not having any depth on the Offensive Line?

-Chuck in Eau Claire


Jason Spriggs struggles in the preseason were concerning, but Kyle Murphy has looked really good so far. I thought he played admirably last night in a very difficult situation. The coaching staff did a wonderful job getting Justin McCray ready for a job he probably wouldn’t have expected in his wildest dreams.

The Don Barclay injury really hurt the Packers depth. It’s way too early to give up on Spriggs. Big, athletic OTs don’t grow on trees, and many lineman have issues early in their career. I think Ted did a pretty good job adding depth to the roster, but no team can overcome their top 3 OTs being injured.


That’s all I have for this week. Remember to submit your questions for next week.


Andrew Mertig is a a lifelong Packers fan and draft enthusiast. He has covered the NFL draft for radio and television stations in Green Bay. He is currently a host of the Pack-A-Day podcast and a writer for PackersTalk.com. You can follow him on Twitter @andrewmertig