One must consider that much more happens in the Packer’s players lives, than just football. These player’s have families, wives, children etc. Who takes care of life outside of football when the player is either at practice, a home game or even on the road? The wive’s or significant other’s do, that’s who. Think about the life of a Packer wife. They get the children ready for school, take them to school, pick them up and take them to their after school activities, and prepare meals. While all the focus of the fans is on the players and the game, much more happens behind the bright lights. Busy life, busy wife!

The Packer’s Women’s Association, established in 1997, not only is a forum for the wives and girlfriends to come together and get acquainted, but to become involved in charitable activities in the community. These women come to Green Bay and virtually know no one aside from family. The Association provides that link, and exposes them to the community as well. The Packer organization takes pride in being involved in charitable giving not only in Green Bay, but throughout Wisconsin. The Packer’s Women’s Association allows those members to use their talents as an avenue to promote charities close to their hearts as women and mothers.

The PWA has been involved in the YWCA Festival of Trees, a make over of the bedrooms at the House of Hope, mentored students at Marion House and “at risk schools,” prepared and served meals at community centers, visited nursing homes, participated in several run/walks for cancer and raised money for Paul’s Pantry, just to mention a few. Heaven Daniels and others have worked closely with Golden House, a home where victim’s of abuse can find shelter, counseling and education. I could add several more activities in which the PWA has participated and will participate, but I think you get the picture.

PWA does all of this while remaining outside of the lime light. They feel that media attention may tend to place the focus on them and lose sight of the real purpose of their activities. They prefer the media place their efforts on promotion to the community to raise awareness, so the community can join and contribute to these worthy causes. An example here would be the Food Drive for Paul’s Pantry, an organization that provides food for families who can’t afford to feed themselves. The PWA assists with this annual food drive in all aspects, as volunteers, raising money, collecting food etc. The key is get the community involved. The motto of Paul’s Pantry is, “Neighbors Feeding Neighbors.”

PWA members describe their organization as a sisterhood. They enjoy coming together, utilizing their talents to reach out into the community they love and live in. These dynamic women are making an impact on the community while their husbands and boyfriends make their impact felt on the field. They realize Green Bay supports the team through winning and losing seasons, so they want to give their support back to the community. They realize football is a business, so families will come and go, but PWA gives the women a sense of unity while in Green Bay.

The next time you watch a Packer’s game, please remember, there’s much more happening than what you see on the field!

As Always, Go Pack Go,


PackerGreg Veteran/Go Army @DrGTP on Twitter