Do you know who jgeedrums is?
Before April 5th, me neither.
As a Packer fan who attends training camp, maybe I should have, but in my limited years attending I’ve never seen Aaron Rodgers ride to or from practice on a kid’s bike during the well-documented tradition dating back to the Vince Lombardi era.
Many players ride the same child’s bike each day or even each year……
For you see, jgeedrums was Aaron’s “bike buddy.”
In an Instagram post dated April 5th in reply to all the “noise” jgeedrums describes the Aaron he knows as “a guy who was a positive role model for me through my teenage years, one who came to my middle school football games and other events.” Adding “over the years we have crossed paths; he’s always treated me the same.”

Jgeedrums ends the post with #greatnessdemandsgreatness.
When I hit jgeedrums with a dm, he shared with me both he and Aaron rode together Aaron’s first three years and then once during the last training camp practice as Aaron’s first year began as a starter.
We agreed that nothing like this tradition or no team could compare to the Green Bay Packers.
Speaking of tradition there’s a young lady on Twitter right now looking to start a new one with Coach LaFleur on the first day of training camp, first practice only.

MissEvelynn, also known as @EvelynnMiss has extended the invitation to Coach LaFleur to “Start a tradition lead the team out rolling.”
I reached out to her Dad in conjunction with this blog, maybe you know him?
He’s the man that brings bikes for not only his children but others visiting, 13 bikes and two kids to be exact.
Together with his family, they’ve been attending training camp for the past ten years. I’m thankful I met them and was able to borrow a bike for a photo last year.

With the regular schedule coming out today, I’m counting down the days and also counting down the days to training camp!
#EvelynnsRide #LetsDoThis
A 13x World Champion vibe always, remember the Rock for John – A Benefit Concert is tonight from 6:30 pm – 10 pm at Badger State Brewing Company in Green Bay.
Promoted by Corey Linsley and his wife Anna, the Rock for John event is to benefit Travis Kohlbeck’s father, John, who has been in a coma since March 3rd. (a)
Travis is Corey’s “bike kid” during training camp each year. (a)
It was day two of training camp in 2014 when Corey and Travis met by chance. After learning more about Travis’s family during daily rides, Corey asked permission to buy Travis a new bike. Back then ten-year-old Travis and rookie Corey Linsley went on Corey’s day off, to two stores, settling on a new Schwinn from Toys’ R Us. (b)
Anna Linsley, who worked in event planning before moving to Green Bay organized the concert. (c)
“They’ve become, honestly, extended family,” Corey Linsley said. “They’re great people. We just feel so lucky that fate brought us together. And now we’re in a position where we can help them.” (c)

If you can’t attend the event, you can still donate via GoFundMe john-kohlbeck
(a) Nagler, Aaron (2019, April 1). Corey Linsley asks you to Rock for John Retrieved from:
(b) Delong, Katie (2014, August 6) “Literally took my breath away!” Packers rookie does something amazing for his Training Camp “bike buddy” Retrieved from:
(c) Wilde, Jason (2019, April 2) For the State Journal “Packers center Corey Linsley and his wife plan benefit for bike kid’s ill father” Retrieved from: