It was a death of a thousand self-inflicted paper cuts, with no real egregious errors, just too many little mistakes that prevents a young team like the Green Bay Packers from pulling off the upset against the top-seeded San Francisco 49ers. But as the Packers lick their wounds, there’s a bright future ahead for them. The future isn’t so bright for defensive coordinator Joe Barry, who was released from his coaching responsibilities on Wednesday, leading the Packers to do another search for the answer for the talent-laden but ever-underachieving defense. Join CD, Al, and Kelly as they take you through another offseason post-mortem and get you ready for 2024.
Be sure to join C.D., Al and Kelly on their regular jaunts through the Packers Universe. You can follow them on twitter (X) at @tundravision, @JerseyAlGBP and @ThatPackerGirl.
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